Wow, I can’t remember the last time things have been so intense and hectic, hehe!
Holiday Magic is really steaming ahead ready for the release date, which be revealed along with the amazing teaser trailer Nai has put together next week! I’m SO excited for it, I’m having to be really careful not to spoil anything, lol! :D
One thing I was really happy with though this week was figuring out how to manage and do the coding for which vampire ending you get in the love triangle route. I didn’t want to just pick for the reader and only pick one of the vampire’s endings no matter what, but I couldn’t think of how to make it work.
Then the most obvious answer came to me: Have it based on the reader’s choices! I mean, yeah, it’s obvious, especially as it’s a choice-based game, lol!
So, I have a stat that tracks which vampire the reader is choosing throughout the game during the love triangle choice moments: Adam/Ava or Nate/Nat, then the ending is based on their choices. Then if those points somehow manage to be balanced (which they shouldn’t be but just in case, lol) it will be a random one!
Phew! That was the last thing that was hanging over me, so it’s a major relief to get that in and finalized.
But playing through the whole thing, with the music and everything, is giving me the exact light, fluffy, and fun vibes I was so desperate for in this game! Romance and festive fun is definitely the outcome! Hopefully it will be the perfect short side story to help fill the gap between Book Three and Four!
It’s been a very different process of writing from the main series (and much more condensed than usual, lol!), yet I’ve enjoyed it SO much! But…I’m already itching to get back to the Book Four and throw the vampires and the MC into some intensity and melodrama once again, mwahahaha! ;D
Hope you all have the most magical weekend! We’ll be offline as usual., so I’ll update you all again next Friday! Can’t wait for the teaser trailer to come out, which will be happening on Tuesday! <3
