Pressed on with Chapter 6 this week, but then started working on the first of the Winter Scenario Specials for Patreon too!
The four aesthetics that won the poll were pretty perfectly suited to Unit Bravo, and I almost went for the obvious ones to match to each love interest out of habit. But then I decided I wanted to mix it up!
So instead of, like, the cosy book one being for Nate/Nat (my go-to for those kinds of scenes!), I’m planning on having that for Mason/Morgan, etc. Let the love interests shine in different types of scenario environments, hehe! :D
I’m actually loving how these scenarios are turning out, and I already have an idea on how to expand the idea of how they’re written for the Valentine’s scenario specials, lol!
For Chapter 6 this week, it was getting on top of the BFF backstory conversations. As I was writing the choices you could ask your BFF about this moment at the end of the conversation, I realised that—as a player—I would want to know the answer to more than just one of the questions, so I went back and made it so as the choice loops, blanking out the choices you’ve already asked so you can ask more if you want, or have the option to just move on if you don’t.
Book Four is quite a big one for a lot of major information reveals, especially to set up things in the doozy that will be Book Five! But I really want to make sure it’s done in a fun, natural flow, not just always a lore dump!
This weekend and next week, I’ll be finishing up the first of the Winter scenarios before jumping back into Chapter 6—something pretty major happens to the MC next, so looking forward to writing that…hehe! ;D
Then it’ll be starting the next Winter scenario and pushing on with the chapter still! I’ve got some major things I want to check off in December, so it’s seriously full steam ahead!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week!
