Ohh, what a week!
So, my plan was to start expanding on the overall plans for the beginning, middle, and endings. This is usually how planning works for me is that I just gradually expanding them and things start to come together and can see where I can fit in the events I want and need to happen.
But what happened instead was the story was just…flowing! I began planning out the beginning, and I was gone! The story events were just popping up in perfectly natural places in the narrative as well as character reintroductions!
For example, my thought was to have certain characters show up at the very start to get those reintroductions in so as the story could continue. And it was good, I was happy with it. BUT as I was planning an amazing point popped up that is SO SO much better. It blends with the story of Book Four as well as getting into their branches at the same time.
There’s definitely something about this book already that feels like it really wants to be told!
And the now-named baddy definitely wants to be written and get some attention, hehe! 😃
We also managed to record the Book Three debrief/chat this week! That was seriously fun though we got a bit carried away chatting, so it ended up much longer than originally intended, hehe! We’ll be chunking it up into parts so as it’s not as overwhelming to listen to. The first part will be up on Patreon later this month. It felt good to really be able to chat about that and almost kind of, like, put it to bed. Now I’ve got all of that out of my head I can really move onto the next!
Nai has been working on typing up the character sheets for me this week with all the updated information needed from Book Three. It’s so strange to look at how I originally intended some of these characters to be from the start and how they’ve actually ended up coming to life when I got writing them!
Next week is another May Bank Holiday on Monday, but the rest of the week will be the same as usual: Book Four planning! Hoping it goes as smoothly as it is going now! 😃
I just wanted to say as well thank you so much for all the wonderfully kind and supportive messages I got about the bunnies! Betty is on medications and will be having some more blood tests taken a few weeks from now, so I’ve got all my fingers crossed for a positive outcome!
