It was weird having a week of writing other things except Book Four, but it was great fun to write the scenes I have!
I managed to get all the social media content finished like I’d hoped for the next couple of months, which means it’s full steam ahead for Book Four without interruption! That’ll be amazing to just be able to blast through without stopping to do something else.
I did wonder if it would bleed into the weekend, as I had a bit of an upset with one of my rabbits mid-week, but he’s finally on the mend! And I managed to get caught back up working some extra, so that was nice to get back on track after that!
Because I had more time to get stuck in, I finally got to write a couple of scenarios (the November Unseen Scene particularly!) I’ve been wanting to do for aggggges! That was SO much fun to get out of my head finally, lol.
Also managed to really dive into some of the asks and go a bit more in-depth for some!
So now it means I have a couple of months spread before me of just writing…and that is an amazing feeling! I’m already so eager to just jump in and get rolling and rolling and rolling on that, hehe! :D
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week <3
