It wasn’t the week I planned, but oh boy, was it another seriously productive week!
I started on finishing up the chapter 4 edits and rewrites, getting those done just as my editor sent through the chapter 3 edits! So, I figured seeing as I was on an editing spree, I would skip the social media days this week and just slam through all of that to get it done.
So there were no asks this week, but I did get the first Autumn Scenario Specials up—always fun to write a soft!M, but even more so in this cosy season, hehe! ;D
And it was totally worth focusing on the edits as I got all of it finished, including bug testing chapter 4 too! I’ll be sending my edited version of chapter 4 to my editor to do the final tidy-ups, and chapter 3 is also now ready to send for the final phase to the last set of readers and sensitivity readers to be completed.
There was the weirdest bug ever in chapter 3, but was eventually sorted super easily, but it did have me puzzled for a while, lol!
So, with all of that done way quicker than expected, I moved onto writing the next chapter too! And I’m already slamming through that :D
Chapter 5 is definitely more intensive than the nice smooth, shortness of Chapter 4, but there’s a lot going on again, as well as the variations of meetings with some recurring characters, so got to make sure those make an impact! ;D
So yeah, it was quite the week!
But to make up for not doing social media days, I will be spending most of next week making up for that. I’m actually hoping to spend more time on those so I can get October’s and November’s content done in one, as I am thinking of something a bit more intensive and fun for December…but I need time to pull it off, so getting ahead on social media now will mean I will hopefully get the chance to what I’m excited for!
And because I totally forgot to detail the last upcoming set of Scenario Specials on Patreon, here is the list of the love interest poll winners and the word prompts, as well as when they’re coming up!
‘Embrace, Coffee, Wind’ —Mason/Morgan Autumn Scenario Special (02/Oct/2024)
‘Cinnamon, Chill, Cobblestone’ — Adam/Ava Autumn Scenario Special (09/Oct/2024)
‘Gold, Indoor, Socks’ — Nate/Nate Autumn Scenario Special (23/Oct/2024)
‘Spooky, Fall, Basket’ – Li-Sar Autumn Scenario Special (30/Oct/2024)
Sorry for the essay of an update this week! But it did feel good to get so much ticked off the checklist in one go that I had to share my happiness, hehe! :D
Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! <3
